Placement Erasmus+




The Erasmus + programme works on the following principle: you move to another university abroad to acquire new skills while remaining registered in your home university. This mobility is validated and recognized by your home university as an integral part of your studies.

L’Institut Agro opens a call for applications for Erasmus + mobility at Riddet Institute in New Zealand. This call is open from 10 February 2025 to 15 March 2025.

The current call is open to L’Institut Agro Engineer students wishing to undertake a training period at Riddet Institute.

For more information on the subject content, administrative and financial modalities, please consult the Call for applications..

No applications will be processed after the validity date of this call.

Be careful: 

  • All fields are required
  • You can save at any time a draft of your application. A link will then be sent to you by email, allowing you to resume your application later. This draft will be deleted after 30 days.
  • When your form is complete, please click on the button "Send the complete file".
Use the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
Have you already benefited from an Erasmus+ grant during your studies?
See Call for applications for more information on the subjects
Explain the subject chosen. Explain how the mobility project is coherent with your studies and professional project. 
Describe the activities you plan to carry out and the skills you intend to develop during your mobility. 
Explain your motivation. 
Explain the scientific, personal and professional interests of your mobility.
Mention the contacts you had taken and how you will organize your stay in the host laboratory.
Detail the budget planned for your mobility.
Un seul fichier.
Limité à 20 Mo.
Types autorisés : pdf, doc, docx.
Please simulate your round trip using Mobilan :
NB: The carbon footprint level does not count in the selection process of candidates. However, it is a matter of raising awareness, collecting data and considering possible offsetting strategies.
1 + 12 =
Trouvez la solution de ce problème mathématique simple et saisissez le résultat. Par exemple, pour 1 + 3, saisissez 4.